What is the TaxAssist Practice Engine?
One of the key reasons to join our network is the shared knowledge that you can tap into to save time, increase profitability and efficiencies and maximise success.
The TaxAssist Practice Engine is a major initiative to deliver best practices, systems and capabilities to TaxAssist Accountants franchisees. It has been developed in collaboration between experts at the TaxAssist Support Centre and a working party of franchisees who all contributed to the system.
With the evolution of the TaxAssist brand as a leading high street tax, accounting and advisory brand, and with new service offerings being rolled out, ‘The Practice Engine’ is a central tool to accelerate growth and add value to franchisees’ businesses.
What’s included?
The best practice guides focus on:
- Systems
- Processes
- Training and tools to help franchisees to run an effective, efficient and profitable business
- Fee matrix and pricing calculator
- Software integrations
- Technology
- Business planning
- Performance tracking
- Practice Key Performance Indicators
- Onshoring
- Outsourcing
- User Voice (franchisee feedback forum)
- Capacity planning
- Smart onboarding processes
- Effective client experience advice
In all, the guides allow a TaxAssist Accountant to manage and monitor the performance of their accounting practice in a way that suits their style of management.
Constantly evolving
A live, breathing system that is constantly being updated, The Practice Engine is contributed to by the ‘User Voice’ a forum for franchisees and their teams to put forward ideas and examples of what has worked well within their practice.
For example, as software companies constantly launch new developments of their systems, it’s impossible for everyone to become an expert overnight, but there will be team members and franchisees who enjoy exploring any new changes which they can then report back on and quite often validates the decision on whether to adopt this into the practice or wait until the update is more defined.
The collective knowledge of over 1,200 accountants, tax experts, bookkeepers, payroll professionals and other key professionals is incredibly powerful and harnessing this for the TaxAssist network is bringing about huge benefits.
“We are using the pricing calculator in new client meetings and as part of our fee review on every completed job.
“We go through the pricing calculator questions with new clients on the presentation screen in order that they can follow and understand the process, on average it takes a couple of minutes, we find the clients fully engage in the process and it seems to give them a better understanding of all the services we will provide and the associated fees. Our sign-up rate at the first meeting has increased as a result of using this. I feel it looks professional & provides a scientific approach that is transparent to the client.”
Will Swift - TaxAssist Accountants Pudsey and Horsforth